May 5
Hoping for corn so I rode my bike up City Creek.
Whippet and ski crampons on the first up.
From the top
Timely softening on the south.
A little soggy on the runout.
No flooding observed.
Avalanche activity
Two large slides crossed upper city creek from north facing chutes on the Black Mountain ridge.
The pictured slide left downed timber on the opposite bank and dammed the creek for a short time. Probably ran during one of the early April storms.
Wet loose slides off the north facing ridge in Cottonwood gulch from the warming after the last little storm, running last Sunday?
Possible snomo trigger, since track can be seen exiting looker's lower right of photo.
Interesting weather guess for the next few days.
Looks like a marginal refreeze followed by another storm with rain at upper elevations before it cools down on Tues...uh, Monday?