March 31
Needed a break from the chair so, I walked up the Bowman trail.
It was probably better than walking up Porter fork.
I took the main Yellow Jacket gully since it was getting a little sun and I didn't have crampons.
Hoping to ski the east chute into Alexander Basin
Too many clinkers,
so I descended the south west face of Gobblers into Mill A basin.
It was patchy off the top, choke filled with soft debris at 1:30 pm.
A look at Raymond
and Broads. Glide cracks have opened a bit but, snow remains in place.
Main face of Gobblers was snow cone softening at 3:30.
Snowpack is well consolidated in the area traveled through.
Lacking a significant, valley temperatures in the 80s warm up, I'd expect what remains, to melt in place.
Same for the glide, unless temperatures skyrocket, early May is for glide.
BTW, most avalanches occur during and shortly after storms.