January 2

Bowman trail, Pole Canyon, Gobblers Knob, Porter Fork

Elevations, slope angles and aspects

6100-10400', angles over 35°, north and west facing aspects.

Snow conditions

Recent snow has settled to around 6-10", aspect and elevation dependent.

West facing with sun eposure had a slight zipper crust from warming.

Upper elevations were somewhat variable, the result of several windy periods, first, from the north, followed by easterly.

Some drainages suffered more than others.


Gobblers Knob had widespread riming-rain to the summit prior to the fluff storm with evidence still present along the ridge.


The underlying crust was also felt at times on descent.

Lower elevations remain quite shallow.


Blue skies, moderate temperatures and light wind.

Snow pit


Good stability in the area traveled.

Isolated active wind drift potential.

Future instability would be from significant new snow, increased wind or rapid warming.



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