December 19

Alta guard station, Eyebrow, Cardiac ridge, Georges bowl, Reynolds flat

Elevations, slope angles and aspects

7500-10500, angles over 35°, all aspects.

Snow conditions

Settled recrystalized powder is the rule with good support and skiability.

South facing has some crusting. Upper elevation exposed terrain has patchy wind damage.

First day since the storm without collapsing.

Avalanche activity

Old news but...

Cardiff peak


There were actually two slides, possibly connected.


Initiated on facets above the mid October stout crust, stepping down and removing that crust as the slide-s ran.

Cardiac ridge

cardiac ridge

View from the bottom of lookers right slide. Large pocket beginning as a sluff from the rocks, fracturing on wind crust-facets formed after the December 8th little storm. Lookers left has another visible crown and avalanche with similar characteristics.

Numerous old crowns were observed on the traverse from ridge area to Georges, both up near the ridges and in the lower break over-run outs below the rock slabs and High Ivory.


A lot of the mid elevations had very little snow prior to the early December storm.

Snow pack is made up of recent storm snow resting on a crust over a few inches of faceted snow.


Clear and sunny early in the day with increased high clouds by afternoon. Winds were light.


Stable snow was found in Cardiff, both the upper and mid elevation terrain.

Assessment was seat of the pants, using information gathered with progression.

Lack of collapse, indicates increased settlement and stability.

There may be active wind drifts with potential. Day time heating could also play a role.

It ain't over till it's over.


December 19 journal
